Repair projects medical eqpt
Repair projects Ecg machine Check continuity ecg patient cable Charge lead acid battery or rechargeable battery Bpl ecg 308 they used to change battery keep under charge clean stylus or thermal print head with spirit and cotton remove wax coating Use ordinary graph paper not wax coated Defibrillator keep under charge Ecg monitor with battery also Rectify power supply card problem change bridge rectifier Ultrasound scan repair Oil the probe Remove short capacitor Short fusible resistor Provide stabilizer or inverter Xray machine repair Control panel change fused glass fuses Put higher ampere glass fuse Bypass input transformer or static balancer if burnt Sterilizer Change kettle element and ceramic connector Auto clave change geyser element Radiant heat warmer change heater rods metal connector Bp apparatus Change bulb valve and blader Digital bp change battery Centrifuge Change fan regulator and mixie carbon bushes Electrosurgical unit Solder phonoplug Order new patient plate meta...